Why We Unique?


Why Are We Unique?

Provide a 24/7/365 service

We are unique in that we provide a 24/7/365 service that can help you achieve a nearly impossible-to-find level of flexibility. We accept cash payments meaning we can ensure that your information isn’t going to be shared with any insurance company which means the security of your information will always be at the highest level of security possible as it should be. 

We are also unique in using AI (Artificial Intelligence) to help with our documentation, meaning you will meet a provider that is always looking at you in the eye, not a provider that is busy either writing what you say or checking out your records while you are trying to put everything in mind on the table, you will have a provider that will give you his or her full undivided attention. 

We are Unique in that we base our clinical decisions on the most up-to-date APA guidelines in addition to the experience of well-trained psychiatrists with years of experience in the field giving your provider a piece of mind and confidence in decisions made. If your case is a higher level of complexity will have a team approach to manage your case. We all know that most of the time 2 brains are better than one. 

Last but not least we are unique in that we firmly believe that in psychiatry only a patient-specific and personalized approach will be the right approach when tackling a patient’s complaints and problems as no two patients are alike. For this reason, we strive to leave no stone unturned when trying to reach an accurate diagnosis or pick the best treatment possible. 

Get the Care You Need

Mental health related emergencies don’t often get the attention they need, we’re here to change that. Call us and get help when you need it, not when just when it’s available.

 Call us and get help when you need it, not when just when it’s available.

Our Values

When life gets overwhelming, Walk-In Psychiatry is here to help. Our doors are always open to provide walk-in mental health care to our patients in minutes – not days or weeks.

Patients First.

Decisions centered around the patient’s safety and well-being at heart are always the right ones.

Always strive to do better.

Revolutionizing The care of mental health crises takes effort, hard work, and innovation.

Good doctors are the compassionate ones.

We are here because we care and want to help.